Support for International Students

International Student Insurance

  • Support for International Students
  • International Student Insurance

Insurance Information

As of March 1, 2021, the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare's National Health Insurance Policy for International Students went into effect. Thus, as of the 1st semester of the 2021 school year, ERICA international student medical insurance consists of two different insurance policies: the university’s group insurance policy and the National Health Insurance policy.

University Group Insurance Coverage

1st semester - Mar. 1-Sep. 1 / 2nd semester - Sep, 1-Mar. 1

University Group Insurance Premium

KRW 25,000 (same premium for undergraduate and graduate schools)

University Group Insurance Subscription Instructions

Insurance premium will appear as a separate item on each student’s tuition bill

Students must pay their insurance premium (lump-sum) when paying for their tuition

Returning students who took a leave of absence after paying tuition or those who completed the course residing in Korea must subscribe to the insurance individually through the insurance company's website (If eligible for individual subscription to the university’s group insurance policy, read the attached file below and proceed with individual subscription)

University group insurance coverage details

Death from injury/death from disease/aftereffects

Reimbursable medical expenses to treat injury or sickness

Non-reimbursable medical expenses to treat injury or sickness

Personal Liability Insurance

Overseas hospitalization and medical expenses

Special expenses for foreigners

[Non-reimbursable expenses] Manual therapy, extracorporeal shock wave therapy, proliferation therapy, injections, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI/MRA)

Penalties for Overdue Payment

Insurance premiums are charged to each student’s tuition bill every semester. Students may register and enroll once they pay their full tuition and insurance premium amount.

Failure to pay the insurance premium within the tuition payment period will render the student unable to enroll and thus be expelled from the university

No insurance benefits when using medical institutions for treatment or care

Refunds for University Group Insurance

When taking a leave of absence, withdrawing from school, or being expelled after the semester begins due to personal reasons, please contact the OIA at ERICA for possible refunds.

※ OIA at ERICA: 031-400-0791~0795


In the case of medical expenses stemming from hospitalization and surgery, the insurance company pays the medical expenses directly to the hospital.

However, upon discharge, the student must pay 30% of the medical expenses as a deposit to the hospital.

Filing a Claim for University Group Insurance Benefits

  1. 1) When receiving hospital treatment or purchasing medicine, inquire by phone about the information needed to file an insurance claim.
  2. 2) After inquiring about the documents required for insurance claim, upload the prepared documents through the insurance company’s website.
  3. 3) Go to the insurance company’s website

Enter your student number and password (student number: student ID number, password: 654321)

Download and fill out an invoice

Upload the invoice and supporting documents

Enquiries for University Group Insurance claims

Consent to the Privacy Policy


